Breathing Air Systems

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Category Details

  • Category : Safety Solutions
  • Sub-Category: Breathing Air Systems

Cascade Breathing Air Systems

Cascade Systems are offered to allow high volumes of Breathing Air to be stored in portable storage racks. Various number of cylinders are offered with the cascade rack and manifolds as per the request.

Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus

The Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD) complies with the amended SOLAS chapter II-2 and the IMO MSC/Circ. 849. All ships on international routes must carry EEBDs on board. The EEBD contains a full-face hood of universal size, 15 minutes of steady air flow with a sufficient air delivery rate, a flame-resistant feature, a 15-minute cylinder, and a carrying bag.

Face Mask

Pressure Gaues

Pressure Gauges of the cylinders and manifolds are offered on request from various manufacturers.

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is a high-performance breathing apparatus, designed to offer maximum respiratory protection to the user during entrance or escape from a hazardous environment. Offered with SOLAS/MED approvals in 6L cylinder or 9L cylinder. Contains carrier with harness, pressure regulator with manometer & whistle, pressure & air flow regulator, facemask, compressed air cylinder with an EU standard cylinder valve with G5/8” thread.